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Acropolis Governance For Development

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Inter-university network of researchers working in support of Belgium Development Cooperation policies

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ACROPOLIS G4D Closing Workshop "Roadmap for a Comprehensive Approach for Belgian Development Policy
11 December 2018

After an exciting 18 month programme, we have the pleasure to announce our closing workshop conference during which will be presented the Green Paper entitled "Roadmap for a Comprehensive Approach for Belgian Development Policy." 


The event will be held at Egmont Palace on 11 December from 9:00 to 13:30.For a detailed programme, click here.

Registration is free but compulsory and should be made before the 26th of November 2018 here. 


To access the Green Paper, click here. 



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ACROPOLIS G4D Closing Workshop "Roadmap for a Comprehensive Approach for Belgian Development Policy
11 June 2018

On the 14th of June 2018 will be held our crucial G4D workshop to receive inputs from key stakeholders on our way to building the Green Paper. 

The even will be held at Egmont Palace and will consist of a presentation of our latest research as well as three parallel sessions aiming at building key principles, indicators and steps forward : a) The implications of the comprehensive approach for development cooperation practices: modalities, channels and stages.

b) Balancing autonomy and synergy: the comprehensive approach and NGAs, Humanitarian action and other development actors (co)financed by Belgium. 

c)  Beyond Development cooperation: promoting a comprehensive approach for all Belgian foreign action stakeholders. 


Information and registration, click 

Publication of three evidence papers on the Comprehensive Approach, the Integrated Country Policy and Governance Networks for Belgian Development cooperation
8 March 2018

We are happy to announce  the publication, in the publications section below, of the three Evidence Papers for the G4D programme. These papers will also us, with the two case studies of Burkina Faso  and Uganda, to work on the green paper / implementation plan for a comprehensive approach by Belgian Development Cooperation. 




ACROPOLIS G4D Uganda case study mission
11 Nov. - 1 Dec. 2017

In November, three members of the G4D team traveled to Uganda for a three weeks mission. The objectives of the mission were two-folded. Firstly, it aimed at exploring the national and international response to the refugee crisis (interviews were conducted with 33 actors/organisations in Arua and Kampala. Secondly, it aimed at assessing the relations between Belgian actors (three workshops were organised with the Embassy, BTC/CTB and Belgian NGAs). The team will now work on the case study report to be published in the next few months. 


First G4D steering committee
5th May 2017

On the 5th of May was held the first Governance For Development steering committee in the offices of Belgian Development cooperation and around different stakeholders of the project. To view the G4D Prezi presentation laying the ground work and initial discussions, click here.

Governing Local Security : the State and self-defence groups in Burkina Faso  - Documentary / Debate organised by G4D
05 March 2018

Following the G4D mission in Burkina Faso on local security and seizing the opportunity of the presence of one of its directors, Luc Damiba, G4D organises a projection of the documentary "Koglweogo Land", Luc Damiba, followed by a discussion with Gilles Biaumet, researcher at the CReSPo of the Université Saint-Louis - Bruxelles and the G4D team of researchers.


For further information, contact Emmanuel Klimis 


ACROPOLIS G4D kickoff workshop
17 October 2017

The presentation of our first evidence papers was held on 17 October at the Egmont Palace in Brussels. It was followed by a discussion on our future work. To get the full programme and details  click here

You can also find the powerpoint presentation of the ACROPOLIS team introducing our upcoming evidence papers and results of our survey on Belgian integrated and comprehensive approaches by clicking here. 


The refugee crisis response in Uganda - Research seminar organised by G4D & REPI
16 January 2018

On 16 January 2018 and to further our reflection on our Ugandan case study, ACROPOLIS G4D and the ULB Research Center REPI (Recherche et Enseignement en Politique Internationale) will hold a research seminar on the refugee crisis response in Uganda with Prof. Dr. Kristof Titeca (University of Antwerp) and Julie Schiltz (Ghent University), followed by a working lunch (10:00-13:00). For more information and registration, click here


To read G4D's first preliminary reflections and lessons from the mission in Uganda, click here.


Roundtable discussion on interventions, fragility and Burundi.
18 May 2017

Using the case of Burundi, this roundtable aims at reflecting upon the specificities of development intervention in contexts of fragility. 

Jessica Martini (G4D/ULB) will moderate the discussion and Sidney Leclercq (G4D/ULB-UCL) will intervene. To access the full programme and list of interveners, click here.

Tackling climate, fragility & finance: challenges for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development 
20 April 2017

The public seminar organised by the three ACROPOLIS policy support research groups working on fragility (Aid effectiveness in fragile contexts), climate (Klimos) and financing for development (BeFinD) was held at the Egmont Palace on 20 April 2017. For the full programme, click here.

Working in Fragile Contexts
22 March 2017

To conclude its three year programme, our ACROPOLIS inter-university research group organised a final conference to present the multiple research outputs and policy tools. The conference was closed by remarks and engagements made by the Deputy Director of Belgium Development, Guy Rayée, and the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Development Cooperation, Alexander De Croo. To access the agenda of the conference, click here.


Photography © Cynthia Vertessen

Official launch of the project (& website)
1 May 2017

The research team is proud to present its new website and project and hope to keep in touch throughout the project. 

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The research project aims at facilitating a more effective implementation of a comprehensive approach to development and security issues in the partner countries of the Belgian development cooperation


The central research question is the following: what kind of governance networks are needed to effectively implement a comprehensive approach by the Belgian development cooperation? The project will pay particular attention to, on the one hand, the 3D-LO (Defence, Development, Diplomacy - Law & Order) and ICP (Integrated Country Policy) processes already initiated within the Belgian development cooperation and, on the other, the importance of bridging the security-development and humanitarian-development (linked with forced displacement) nexuses. 


To conduct this policy support research, the project foresees a combination of evidence papers, methodology development and case studies (Burkina Faso & Uganda) to answer this research question. This will ultimately result in an implementation plan, co-created with the stakeholders of the research programme, that will suggest: 


  • Guiding principles to implement a comprehensive approach,

  • Concrete indicators to monitor a comprehensive approach

  • An implementation process that lists the successive steps to be taken in order to implement a comprehensive approach.​


A series of public seminars (7), internal workshops (3) will be held along with a digital uptake of the research to assure its diffusion. 










Cases studies 


Thomas Vervisch - Lead Researcher & Academic Coordinator

Universiteit Gent

Thomas Vervisch is research fellow at the Conflict Research Group, Ghent University. He holds a PhD in Political Science on post-conflict reconstruction in Burundi. His current research focuses on development cooperation in fragile situations; risk and fragility; and governance networks, conflict and development. He has extensive field experience in the Great Lakes and the Sahel region. 

Sidney Leclercq - Lead Researcher & Digital Uptake

Université libre de Bruxelles - Université Catholique de Louvain

Sidney Leclercq is research fellow at the Université libre de Bruxelles (REPI - Research and Teaching in International Politics) and the Université Catholique de Louvain (CECRI - Research Center on International Crisis and Conflicts). He holds a PhD in Political and Social Sciences on international statebuilding. His research focuses on international development cooperation in fragile situations, conditionality, international statebuilding and transitional justice.


Geoffroy Matagne - Lead Researcher 

Université de Liège

Geoffroy Matagne is research fellow and deputy director of the Cellule d’appui politologique – Afrique-Caraïbes (CAPAC) at Université de Liège. He is Assistant Editor of the Journal Federalism-Regionalism. His research focuses on the governance of development cooperation policies, comprehensive, multi-actors, multi-level and territorial approaches, governance and state-building in fragile and post-conflict contexts.


Emmanuel Klimis - Support Researcher & Executive Coordinator

Université Saint-Louis - Bruxelles

Emmanuel Klimis is a researcher at the Université Saint-Louis – Bruxelles, and the coordinator of GRAPAX, an inter-university research network on Peacebuilding and Statebuilding. His research interests include Belgian Development Cooperation Policy in fragile and post-conflict countries, as well as the nexus between security and development, and justice and governance issues in the same countries.


Jessica Martini - Support Researcher

Université libre de Bruxelles

Jessica Martini is research fellow at the Université libre de Bruxelles (School of Public Health). Her research focuses on development cooperation, civil society mobilisation and multi-actors public action. Since 2010, she is involved in academic research for policy support to Belgian cooperation on aid effectiveness and fragile contexts.



Green Paper 

Author(s): Jessica Martini,

Geoffroy Matagne, Emmanuel Klimis, Sidney Leclercq, Thomas Vervisch 

Evidence Papers

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Author(s): Thomas Vervisch, Emmanuel Klimis, Sidney Leclercq, Jessica Martini, Geoffroy Matagne

Policy Tools

Author(s): Emmanuel Klimis, Sidney Leclercq, Jessica Martini

Geoffroy Matagne, Thomas Vervisch 

FRAME - Fragility Resilience Assessment Management Exercise. Analysing risks & opportunities

Author(s): Sidney Leclercq


Case Study Report - The Refugee Crisis in Uganda : Preliminary Lessons

Author(s): Thomas Vervisch, Sidney Leclercq, Geoffroy Matagne.

Policy Note 2015/005 - Comment qualifier la crise Burundaise ? Conditions et enjeux  

Author(s): Léo Donse & Aaron Eucker under the supervision of Emmanuel Klimis


Author(s): Emmanuel Klimis, Sidney Leclercq, Geoffroy Matagne,Jessica Martini, Thomas Vervisch 


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